
Quran recitation is the act that engages a person's heart, mind, and tongue (the tongue recites, the mind ponders and the heart reflects)

What is Tajweed?

The word Tajweed linguistically means to perfect, to beautify, or to improve. The technical meaning is articulating every letter from its articulation point and giving every letter of the Qur’an its rights, dues, and characteristics. We give the letter its rights by observing the essential characteristics of each letter that never leaves it. And we give the letter its dues by observing the characteristics of each letter that are present in them some of the time and not present at other times.

Its articulation point means that each letter has an exit or an articulation point - in the mouth or throat from which it originates which distinguishes it from other letters. Its characteristic is a particular sound that happens when you pronounce a letter, and every letter has a sound that distinguishes it from other letters.

Its characteristic is a particular sound that happens when you pronounce a letter, and every letter has a sound that distinguishes it from other letters.

Why do I study Tajweed?

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    Preventing the tongue from making mistakes while reciting Allah’s book (Qur'an).

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    Following the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).

Speeds of recitation

  • 1

    Al-Tahqiq (Slowness in recitation)

    ● Linguistically Tahqiq means being very precise in giving everything its right without no more or less. Technically it means reciting the Qur'an slowly and calmly while following all the rules of Tajweed. Tahqiq is reading in a slow-paced manner with tranquility.

    ● It is the best level of all three levels.

    ● It is by which the Holy Qur'an was revealed, and it is the most influential in the heart, as you would be reading less but you will have a better chance to ponder over what you are reading.

    ● This method is used mostly while teaching the Qur’an, it is the most suitable method for a learner, and it is easier for the teacher to instruct and correct mistakes.

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    Al-Tadwir (Moderate speed in recitation)

    ● Linguistically it means moderation.

    ● Technically it means moderation in recitation. It is an intermediate level between Tahqiq and Hadr. This method of recitation is the most balanced since it offers the balance between moderate reading with pondering and the virtue of having good deeds due to frequent reading at the same time.

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    Al-Hadr (Speed in recitation)

    ● Linguistically it means speeding.

    ● Technically it is a fast-paced recitation while following the Tajweed rules and without merging the letters or shortening the timing of the letters or (eating up/skipping) part of the letters.

    ● This method is only suitable for highly skilled reciters.

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    Tarteel Al Qur’an

    ● Linguistically it means articulating each letter individually.

    ● Technically it means Tajweed of letters and knowing the stops, which means reciting carefully and pronouncing each letter one by one while following Tajweed rules and the stopping signs to understand the meaning and ponder over what you are reading.


All the 3 speeds of recitation are permissible according to the Imams only when there is consistency between the letters' timing meaning articulating each letter individually.

Ibn al-Jazari said:
The Qur’an is read in Al-Tahqiq, in Al-Hadr, and in Al-Tadwir and each is followed

Teaching Levels

● Teaching time varies according to the ability and pace of the student


About the course

This course is for kids and adults each, taught according to their ability.
